- 2016 年 09 月~: 华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院 | 博士在读
- 2015 年 09 月~2016 年 06 月: 华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院 | 硕士
- 2011 年 09 月~2015 年 06 月: 华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院 | 本科
- Yuze Zou, Yusi Long, Shimin Gong, Dinh Thai Hoang, Jin Kai, Wenqing Cheng and Dusit Niyato, “Robust Beamforming Optimization for Self-Sustainable Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Wireless Networks”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, under review.
- Shimin Gong, Yuze Zou, Jing Xu, Dinh Thai Hoang, Lyu Bin and Dusit Niyato, “Optimization-driven Hierarchical Learning Framework for Wireless Powered Backscatter-aided Relay Communications”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, minor revision.
- Wenqing Cheng, Yuze Zou, Jing Xu and Wei Liu, “Dynamic Games for Social Model Training Service Market via Federated Learning Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2021.
- Yuze Zou, Shimin Gong, Jing Xu, Wenqing Cheng, Dinh Thai Hoang and Dusit Niyato, “Wireless Powered Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Enhancing Wireless Communications,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020.
- Shimin Gong, Yuze Zou, Dinh Hoang, Jing Xu, Wenqing Cheng, and Dusit Niyato, “Capitalizing Backscatter-Aided Hybrid Relay Communications with Wireless Energy Harvesting,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020.
- Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong, Dusit Niyato, Yuze Zou, Yang Zhang, and Mohsen Guizani, “Reliable federated learning for mobile networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications, 2020.
- Jing Xu, Shimin Gong, Yuze Zou, et al. “Redundant Sniffer Deployment for Multi-Channel Wireless Network Forensics with Unreliable Conditions,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2020.
- Jing Xu, Yuze Zou, Shimin Gong, et al. “Robust Transmissions in Wireless Powered Multi-Relay Networks with Chance Interference Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2019.
- Yuze Zou, Yutong Xie, Canhui Zhang, Shimin Gong, Dinh Hoang, and Dusit Niyato, “Optimization-driven Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning for Hybrid Relaying Communications,” in Proc. WCNC, 2020. [slides][slides]
- Yuze Zou, Shimin Gong, Jing Xu, Dinh Hoang, Dusit Niyato and Wenqing Cheng, “Joint Energy Beamforming and Optimization for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Enhanced Communications,” in Proc. WCNC workshop, 2020. [slides][slides]
- Yuze Zou, Jing Xu, Shimin Gong, et al. “Backscatter-Aided Hybrid Data Offloading for Wireless Powered Edge Sensor Networks,” in Proc. Globecom, Hawaii, 2019. [slides][backup]
- Yuze Zou, Shaohan Feng, Dusit Niyato, et al. “Dynamic Games in Federated Learning Training Service Market,” in Proc. PacRim, Victoria, B.C., 2019. [slides][backup]
- Yuze Zou, Shaohan Feng, Dusit Niyato, et al. “Mobile Device Training Strategies in Federated Learning: An Evolutionary Game Approach,” in Proc. GreenCom, 2019. [slides][backup]
- Xi Luo, Jing Xu, Yuze Zou, et al. “Collaborative Relay Beamforming with Direct Links in Wireless Powered Communications,” in Proc. WCNC, Morocco, 2019.
- Yuze Zou, Wei Liu, Shimin Gong, et al. “Joint Optimization of Wireless Power Transfer and Collaborative Beamforming for Relay Communications,” in Proc. Globecom, Abu Dhabi, 2018. [slides][backup]
- Ge Zhang, Wei Liu, Yuze Zou, Wenqing Cheng, “Simulator for Loosely-coupled Hybrid CDN-P2P Streaming Systems,” in Proc. ICCSN, Guangzhou, 2017.
- Wei Liu, Ge Zhang, Yuze Zou, et al. “In-router cache performance under long-term video request traffic in CCN: A simulation-based study,” in Proc. ICCSN, Guangzhou, 2017.
- Yuze Zou, Ge Zhang, Wei Liu, et al. “Effect of Caching Threshold in Content Centric Network: A Simulation-based Study,” in Proc. ICCC, Chengdu, 2016.
- Yuze Zou, Wei Liu, Yang Yang, et al. “Energy-aware probabilistic forwarding in wireless content-centric networks,” in Proc. ICTC, Jesu, 2016.
- Wei Liu, Ge Zhang, Jun Chen, Yuze Zou, and Wenchao Ding. “A measurement-based study on application popularity in Android and iOS app stores,” in Proc. Workshop on Mobile Big Data, Hangzhou, 2015.
- 计算机程序语言
- 掌握: C++, MATLAB/cvx, Python/Tensorflow
- 了解: Java/Android
- 数学工具: 凸优化, 博弈论, 最优控制
- 计算机网络, TCP/IP 协议
- 美国大学生数学建模比赛二等奖(Honorable Mention MCM/ICM, 2014)
- 华中科技大学启明学院优秀毕业生,2015 年
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